Here are a few movies for you to reflect on the elements of the industry and the story behind fashio...
Releasing his first album last year at the age of 21, ØZI is still referred to as “Irene Yeh’s son” ...
Before this community became active, Japanese magazines like Popeye, Brutus, Grind are considered as...
“I would close my eyes and let the fabric tell me what I should do.”...
"Have your own thoughts, way of thinking, challenge yourself, and always asking 'Why not?'"...
“As an ‘influencer’ you should show the example, and sell decent production to your fans, if not, do...
“Absence is all you need to understand him and to understand the Margiela spirit."...
”Rei Kawakubo does not have a lot of patience, if she cannot understand what you are saying within 5...