Aaron Jah Stone的珠寶,讓G-Dragon、 Pharrell Williams、Karl Lagerfeld搶著戴上

Cyril Bismuth & Pharrell Williams
如果要問,誰是當今造型感染力最強的藝人,點名Pharrell Williams或是G-Dragon大概沒有什麼人會說不夠格;但當你穿遍世界上所有精品、時裝,也買夠了跑車、豪宅,那麼下個階段勢必會想要來些與眾不同的,那麼Aaron Jah Stone會是很好的選擇。

Cyril Bismuth
去年巴黎旅遊的時候,在朋友的介紹下認識了一位珠寶設計師Aaron Cyril Bismuth ,雖然只是匆匆寒暄,卻在多個月後重新產生聯繫。他另一個身份是位於香榭麗舍大道(Les champs Élysées)精品選貨店Montaigne Market的代表人,但因為自己從小就對於漂亮的石頭著迷,加上亞洲旅途的所見所聞,進而推出珠寶品牌Aaron Jah Stone,由於造型有著獨特的歐亞融合風格,不但吸引菲董Pharrell Williams的喜愛,就連老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld跟 G-DRAGON 都是品牌的擁簇者。
透過Email,這次我們好好的跟Cyril Bismuth聊了一下,包括各位最想知道他是如何認識 G-DRAGON,以及他們私底下的互動如何如何?
How do you start to approach the jewelry design?
20歲時,我畢業於法國國家寶石學研究所,進入珠寶店L’ECOLE DU LOUVRE工作一段時間。覺得時下的珠寶設計都過於制式,所以想到不同國家探索適合自己的風格,周遊列國後我在泰國和緬甸遇到了當地專門手工製作念珠的師父,並向他們學習;回到巴黎我便應用從他們身上學到的技術,結合開始了Aaron Jah Stone。
In fact, I am stones addicted since I was young. I always hoped to find an hidden jewelry box full of gems as Indiana Jones.My grand mother traveled a lot all over the world and during those trips she brought me “souvenir” from each countries, even thoses stones had no real value i was so proud to collect them.Beyond that she was vintage jewelry lover, i think she gave me the passion of it. i always played with them and tried to fix them with wire and needles….When i was 20 i did graduate by the Gemmological Institute of Paris and later at L’ECOLE DU LOUVRE (jewellery deppartement), but as i prefered explore things by myself i decided to go in Thaïland and Burma, where i met old artisans who taught me the secret of antic mala beads…After that back in Paris to apply what i learn from them…i started Aaron Jah Stone.
2. 亞洲對你來說是個怎樣的地方呢?
Why do you choose Asia culture as design inspiration?
Evoked I travel a lot in Asia for sourcing and for recharge myself. I love the green places, the mentality and kindness of the people. Where I was, I met nice persons in big cities or in countries… Different styles of life but the same big heart… I do really love this continent.
Do you have any difficulty when you were learning?
I am not very school-lover but I had the chance to meet one wonderful teacher who understood me… He helps me to get around the classics lessons and to work dipper on my own style.
4. 可否介紹一下你的設計理念?
Could you explain your design concept?
For me the luxury is to wear real jewels in casual style without the feeling to go in red carpet.And beyond the gems, colors and designs, I try to work with the energies of the stones.Stones are the base of my creations, metal is only the support of my jewels.Gems and colors give me the inspiration of the future creation. Most of the time I “fall in love” with one gem and I think after of the jewel.
Which designer has the most influence to you?
這一定是Karl Lagderfeld,他徹底改變了我的生命!四年前,我非常榮幸替他訂製一條項鍊,進而受邀前往新加坡香奈兒展示會,他的私人助理(也是我最好的朋友和合作夥伴)Sebastien Jondeau幫我們介紹彼此。卡爾·拉格菲爾本人非常親切,給予我很多他在精品行業的經驗建議,甚至向身邊的大人物推薦我的設計,像是Pharrell Williams、G-Dragon、Cara Delevingne、Rita Ora、Kendall Jenner以及Lily Rose Depp,他們後來都成為我的忠實客戶。到現在我還會不定時幫Karl Lagerfeld製作項鍊、領帶夾或是別針之類的飾品。
Sir Karl Lagerfeld changes my life! i had the honor and the privilege to created one necklace for him which he wore during the Chanel Show in Singapore in 2013, then Sebastien Jondeau his personal assistant (who is aslo my best friend and my partner now) introduced me to him.KL was so kind, he gave me lot of advices in the luxury industry. Since that i create each season jewels for his personal collection (necklaces, tie pin…) i do respect him so much, he introduced me to all the biggest people of the fashion such as Pharrell Williams, G-Dragon, Cara Delevingne, Rita Ora, Kendall Jenner, Lily Rose Depp… Who became my clients.

Karl Lagerfeld & Cyril Bismuth
Which material do you prefer? Jade? Or?
這取決於當下的心情、風格甚至是那天的天氣,有時候我需要藍色來搭配我今天的造型,就會選擇藍寶石、綠松石或拉利瑪石(Larimar),不過我最喜歡蛋白石和舒俱萊石(Sugilite),這是一種神秘的高能量礦石,在亞洲非常有名;在 Aaron Jah Stone的STINGRAY系列中,則會用上大量的黑色電氣石或是鑽石。
It depends of my mood, the weather or my style…Sometime i need to wear blue (sapphire, turquoise or larimar) sometime more colorful with emerald, coral or amber but my favorites are opals and sugilites. (very famous in Asia) or more discret with black tourmaline and black diamonds with my STINGRAY collection.

Stingray by Aaron Jah Stone
Do you have any investor and sponsor for brands?
How do you meet G-dragon?
我們第一次見面是在去年巴黎時裝週CHANEL發表會的後台,工作人員向我介紹他是GD,我們聊了很多關於石頭和珠寶蘊含的能量;我們談到了我的朋友Kongo(一位著名的法國塗鴉藝術家,曾經與HERMÈS及高級鐘錶品牌Richard Mille做過合作),因為GD買了很多Kongo設計的愛馬仕絲巾,並把這些絲巾做成一件夾克,為了他的亞洲巡迴演唱會,世界真的很小!
The 1st time was in the backstages of the CHANEL Show during the Paris fashion week last year.The team introduced me to GD, we talked about energies of the stones…and jewels of course. We talked about my friend Kongo (the famous streetartist who designed for Hermes and for Richard Mille) because GD bought a lot of Hermes scarf designed by Kongo to make a jacket with for his Asian tour…it’s a small world !

Kongo x Richard Mille Hand-Painted Tourbillon
What do you think about him?
當然,我在亞洲旅行中所有地方都聽說過他,GD在亞洲就像是Michael Jackson之於美國那麼有名,今年在其他CHANEL的派對上又多次遇見他,最近一次是在麗嘉酒店卡拉OK慶功宴…這太酷了!他真的是一位非常好的人,我能理解為什麼所有人都那麼喜歡他。
Of course, I heard about him during my all business trips in Asia, before to meet him. He is famous as Mickael Jackson might be in US.I had the chance to see him several times for the others CHANEL events this year (shows, cocktails…) and the last time was at The Ritz Hotel for a Karaoke afterparty…It was so cool!He is a very nice person, I understand why all the people loves him.

G-dragon & Cyril Bismuth
Talk about your exclusive bracelet for him, anything special to share?
後來我記得他喜歡哪種石頭,於是決定為他創造一條手環,那是利用黑色電氣石、青金石(Lapis Lazuli)、拉利瑪石(Larimar),以及一顆我親自從大溪地挑選的珍珠,這些石頭有著非常強的能量,能夠淨化人體的脈輪,讓他保持心情愉快。
In fact, I did remember which stones he likes and I decided to create one bracelet for him.In black tourmaline, lapis-lazuli, larimar and my personal touch one pearl of Tahiti in the center.Those stones are very good for root chakra and purify the energies.
Which celebrity collaboration is the most satisfied experience?
現在有了許多機會為名人們創造珠寶,但是大家喜歡的都不一樣我會嘗試滿足每個客戶的需求,依照適合的風格、喜歡哪種顏色或種類的寶石之後,Aaron Jah Stone可以為他們做一些特別的訂製。如同我前面所說, Karl Lagerfeld是第一個戴著我寶石的人,他代表著所有的起頭。
I have the chance to create jewels for a lot of celebrities, but each experience is different.
I try to satisfy the request of my clients, which style they are looking for, which colors or If they have favorite gems… After that I can make something unique for them.But as Sir Karl Lagerfeld was the first one to wear my jewels, he represents for me the beginning of all…
What do you think about the modern fashion?
我會在時裝週的時候去看秀,但老實說我對現代的時尚興趣缺缺。我每天都穿著同樣的東西,像是牛仔褲黑色T卹與皮夾克。 (大部分時間由塗鴉藝術家定制,因為我在巴黎的街頭畫廊www.artkanoid.com)同時我會搭配很多珠寶,所以不需要其他東西來分散別人的注意力。
I love to see shows during fashionweeks but I never apply on me. i am dressed always with the same things, jeans, Jordan sneakers or bikerboots black Tshirt with leather jacket. (most of the time customized by graffiti artists because of my streetart gallery in Paris www.artkanoid.com)In fact i do wear lot of jewels so no need to give attention to something else on me !

The graffiti jacket made by Kongo
How do you think the Korean K-POP culture?
Unfortunatly, K-POP is not very famous in France, I discovered it during my differents trip but I am not an expert.It’s a very good music to give you the happiness, but I don’t know very well. My style is more chill, I need something more relaxing for my inspiration. I listen a lot of reggae music.
Where is your favorite country?
My favorite is Burma (Myanmar) I never feel something like that in my life, it was 10 years ago, not so much tourists, Burmese people was so welcoming, I slept on small villages with no electricity, no water… Temples, mountains, the lake…Each second you discover something amazing…
Who do you think is the most influential person in fashion world?
KARL LAGERFELD 1000000000000%
He is The Genius, his last show was so crazy, SPACE ROCKET… It’s funny, because after all the shows, everybody say: “wow it can’t be better” and the show after, you realized that the new one is more crazy.
Have you heard of Taiwan before? Are you willing to open a store in Taiwan?
Taiwan is a famous for fashion of course, people have good taste, nice mix of brands…I told to GD that I have to come very soon…
Could you share your daily jewelry?
I start by meditation, it’s very important for me and pray to thank G for my beautiful life. Then I open my workshop and see all the gems, music, good tea…I can start. I work now on my new collaboration with Kongo, we made already a necklace with his graffiti letters and now we are preparing the rest of the collection (rings earcuff…)
Please complete this sentence: The future of fashion is…
ME! Hahahahha